Sysadmins. We are the guardians of the internet.
We provide the necessary Systems administration services and technologies for your company to be able to function, from its very core.
What do we do?
For your web presence to be alive and stable at all times, it needs constant maintenance and monitoring of your IT systems:
- We breathe Amazon and the cloud.
- We are security- obsessed.
- We assist you with all your system and server setup and maintenance.
- We are nginx, php-fpm, mysql/postgresql, redis, wizards.
- Stability and reliability is our mantra!
Yeah, so how do you do it?
Linux/BSD/*NIX systems with a little magic from our wizards at Outsourcing International creates the stable foundation for your business to thrive!

What else do we do?
We analyze, we market, we advertise, we code, we generate, we build. Name it, we do it. The real question is: is there something we don´t do? Check out our services below!